Wednesday 17 May 2017

Kinz nalbuphine Hcl injections by Sami

Kinz Injections
Nalbuphine HCL
Nalbuphine Hcl is primarily indicated in conditions like adjunct to prevent relapse, long term management of hereditary angioedema, moderate to severe PAIN, and can also be given as an alternative drug of choice in all forms of epilepsy, anesthesia, myoclonus, post operative pain, pre anaesthetic medication.
Nalbuphine is contraindicated in conditions like respiratory depression, hypersensitivity, raised intracranial pressure, opioid dependence.
Side Effects
The severe or irreversible side effects of Nalbuphine are Sedation, sweating, flushing, nausea, urinary urgency, dry mouth, dizziness.
Available as 10mg and 20mg
Alternative brands
Buphain by Healthtek, Nubain by ICI
For information about other medicine click the link bellow

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