Tuesday 12 December 2017

Mevulak mebeverine HCL + Ispaghula husk sachets by Sami

Mevulak Sachets
Mebeverine HCL + Ispaghula Husk

Mebeverine is primarily indicated in conditions like adjunct in GI disorders,  chronic irritable colon, gastrointestinal spasm, GIT spasm, irretable bowel syndrome, muscous colitis, spastoc costipation.

Mevulak is contraindicated in conditions like hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side Effects
The severe or irreversible side effects of Mevulak sachets are allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disturbances, erythematous rash, dizziness.
Available as 135mg+3.5g sachets

Alternative brands
Colospas sachets by NabiQasim

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