Wednesday 1 March 2017

Am telsan tablet amlodipine/ telmisartan

Am Telsan Tablets
Amlodipine + Telmisartan

Am Telsan is combination of two formulations. Amlodipine and Telmisartan.
Telmisartan is primarily indicated in conditions like Hypertension and can also be given as an alternative drug of choice in diabetic nephropathy, heart failure.
Amlodipine is primarily indicated in conditions like angina pectoris, prophlaxis of angina, vasospastic angina.

Am Telsan is contraindicated in conditions like pregnancy, breast feeding, adjunct in treatment of opioid dependance, dry and pain cough.
Dose 10/40 5/80 10/40 5/40

Alternative brands
Telmis A by Genix pharma

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