Tuesday 16 May 2017

Ranulcid Ranitidine tablets and injections by Merck

Ranulcid Tablets and Injections
Ranitidine is primarily indicated in conditions like benign gastric and duodenal ulceration, chronic episodic dyspepsia, duodenal ulceration associated with H Pylori, Gastric acid reduction, NSAID associated ulceration, peptic ulcer, post operative ulcer, long term treatment of healed reflux oesophagitis, prophylaxis of acid aspiration in obstetrics, surgical procedures.
Ranitidine is contraindicated in conditions like hypersensitivity, pregnancy, porphyria, breast feeding, pain and inflammation.
Side Effects
The severe or irreversible side effects of Ranitidine are Dizziness, depression, arthralgia, gynecomastia, agitation, Anaphylactic Shock.
Available as 150mg and 300mg tablets and 25mg/ml injections
Alternative brands
Zantac by GSK, Anzol by Indus Pharma.
For information about other medicine click the link bellow

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