Tuesday 16 May 2017

Evion Vitamin E (Tocopherol) capsules by Merck

Evion Capsules 
Tocopherol(Vitamin E)
Evion is primarily indicated in conditions like cardiovascular disease, dementia, haemolytic anaemia, hepatotoxin poisoning, metal poisoning, vitamin deficiency, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in malignant neoplasms, muscular spasm, parkinsonism, prophylaxis and treatment of angina, retinopathy, surgery.
Vitamin E is contraindicated in conditions like hypersensitivity.
Side Effects
The severe or irreversible side effects of vitamin E are abdominal pain, blurred vision, thrombophlebitis, myopathy, hypertension.
Available as 200mg 400mg and 600mg
Alternative brands
Tekosvit , Vitamin E by Wilson Pharma, Acebex Capsules by Shazoo
For information about other medicine click the link bellow

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